Life is a puzzle
of a thousand pieces.
Prayers-fitting together as
God is working.
But the yellow flower
of a prodigal daughter
won't fit
until it's time.
Not my time. Maybe not short time.
Maybe not in my lifetime.
Watching, I catch a glimpse.
Listening, I can glean
the promises of my Father,
placing the corners,
snapping in edges.
Making sense, where I'm stymied.
Poring over the pieces in my hands,
ruminating is useless.
Sometimes miracles take time.
Flashback-I prayed for patience. UGH!
The longer I huddle under the Light,
mysteries are revealed.
Surprises to me are not, to Him.
It's His puzzle, after all.
When in heaven, hear the "click",
falling into place. Well done.