Sometimes when I'm working with women to grow their faith and break strongholds, we get stuck. There are many things that could cause this, including unforgiveness, pride, fear, idols, lack of boundaries, or spiritual warfare. This is just a few of the possibilities. My friends and I just finished a great study by Derek Prince called "Blessing or Curse, You Can Choose." Here are a few of my aha's.
My words matter. There is one kind of curse that even God cannot provide protection from: the curses that Christians pronounce upon themselves. At the trial of Jesus, according to Matthew 27:24-25, when Pilate washes his hands and states that he is innocent of this righteous man's blood, all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children."
These words brought on two forms of curses: a self-imposed curse on themselves; and a relational curse on their descendants.
We don't need to go to the Bible to find out how these curses were confirmed. Historical accounts show that within one generation the Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem and either killed or sold the entire population. For twenty centuries, the Jewish people have been living under this curse: one which they spoke over themselves.
A few examples of self-imposed curses are:
I can never seem to make ends meet.
It always happens to me, I'm just a clumsy person.
I'm sick and tired of this mess!
He's driving me crazy!
Your words matter. In James 3:14-15 he says, "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic."
This letter was written to churches. To Christians. Jude also speaks to Christians, warning them about people who are in the church but are following their own desires.
Any scoffing, mocking, gossiping or slandering is a symptom of rebellion. This rebellion cuts off a person's spirit from God and the things of heaven. This rebellion makes you susceptible to the influence of demons, because you can't tell the difference between demonic wisdom and Holy Spirit. Criticizing others and tearing them down to make yourself feel better will leave you open to the wrong spiritual influences in your life and mind.
There are many curses listed in the Bible that can have an affect on our lives now. One man's description sums up how he felt.
"Living under a curse is like living in a vapor. The effects can be seen, yet it is without clear form and substance. Even though you may experience success, you feel only frustration and hopelessness."
This is a fantastic study to do as a group. Let me know if you decide to pick it up, and how it goes for you!